
Hello. I am an undergraduate at Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (NTU). I am a passionate and self-driven individual that strives to integrate technology with healthcare seamlessly.

I am a sports enthusiast, photography nerd and a matcha addict! A zealous all-rounder that always look for the next challenge! Take a look at my projects!

It's vast, so vast that none of the sentient societies within its confines can even fathom where the edge lies.


AI Product Chatbot

Designed a conversational AI Streamlit app using LangChain and Hugging Face models.

Enhanced user experience by incorporating features like Conversational Memory, dynamic interaction, and session management, improving context awareness and user experience.

Utilised Retrieval Augmented Generation with OpenAI embeddings and FAISS vector database for precise and relevant real-time responses, ensuring efficient FAQ handling and user interactions.

Singapore University Guide

Designed, developed, and deployed a comprehensive university guide using the MERN stack, emphasising backend-to-frontend connectivity.

Integrated state-of-the-art UX techniques, responsive design, and intuitive colour schemes, ensuring an engaging user experience across all devices.

Seamlessly incorporated OAuth, email notifications, and OpenAI's GPT API to elevate platform functionality and content delivery.

Prioritised data security with advanced authentication methods, leveraging sessions and cookies.

Administered end-to-end deployment, including domain procurement, SSL, CDN integration, and NoSQL database management.

AI Text Summariser

Developed an interactive Streamlit app designed to simplify and enhance users' image journey by offering advanced features such as object detection, image captioning, and metadata tagging.

Introduced a system to annotate photos with metadata, facilitating better organisation and searchability, especially beneficial for Adobe Lightroom users.

AI Image Detection

Leveraged the SERP API and OpenAI's GPT API for efficient article search, selection, and summarisation tailored for Instagram content.

Utilised Langchain for content retrieval, coupled with AI-driven techniques to distil article essence into concise summaries.

Transformed AI-summarised content into engaging Instagram posts with strategically chosen hashtags to maximise visibility.

FYP Registration System Application

In today's academic landscape, Final Year Projects (FYPs) are integral to every university student's journey. To streamline the management and monitoring of these projects, an effective system is essential.

To achieve scalability, modularity, and easy maintenance, our system leverages Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and adopts the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture in Java. OOP principles enable a clear separation of concerns, while the MVC Architecture ensures distinct layers for the Model, View, and Controller components.

This project management system accommodates various user roles, each with specific permissions. Students can submit project requests, Supervisors can evaluate and assign projects, and the FYP Coordinator has the ability to oversee and monitor the overall project progress. By implementing this system, we aim to streamline the FYP process.

News Classification (Deep Learning)

In today's world of social media and online news, it's becoming harder to know what to believe. With a rise in deepfakes and disinformation, it poses a growing threat that needs to be addressed.

This project is all about fighting fake news by building a model that uses natural language processing techniques to analyse the content of news articles and determine their credibility.

Some deep learning models used include Keras (TF-IDF) and Pytorch (BERT-UNCASED). I aim to include models that can detect sarcasm and irony based on context in the future.

Flight Deals Tracker

Developed a Python-driven flight deals tracker through a fusion of GSpread API, Kiwi API, Twilio API, BS4, and Excel to reduce travel expenses by 20% on average.

Spotify Playlist Automation

I automated Spotify Playlist creation by web-scrapping Billboard's Top 100 Songs. This is done through Spotipy API and BS4 in Python.

Digital Name Card

I built a working flask application with HTML5UP, CSS, JS to create a digital name card. This is deployed on PythonAnywhere.

Rain Alert (SMS)

I used Open Weather API and Twilio API in Python to send rain alerts via SMS to user to bring an umbrella when the forcast detects rain.

Snake Game

I implemented the classic snake game with object-oriented programming and turtle module in Python.


Tech Stack

CloudFlare Google Cloud Platform Vercel Microsoft Azure Heroku
React.js Next.js Javascript Nuxt.js Vue.js
HTML5 CSS3 Figma Bootstrap shadcn
Express.js Node.js Flask Python Java
MongoDB PostgreSQL MySQL Planetscale Pinecone
OpenAI LangChain Pytorch Scikit-Learn HuggingFace

2023 Dec - Present:
Full Stack Web Developer Intern (Siftee)

2022 Apr - Present:
Mathematics Tutor

2023 May - 2023 Aug:
Cloud Engineer Intern (Singapore Land Authority/Geospatial and Data)


Awards and Certifications

Nanyang Technological College Scholarship
Google Analytics Specialisation
Google UX Design
MySQL for Data Analytics
R Programming
Microsoft Excel
Terasaki Electric Silver Medal
Ngee Ann Scholarship
Silver and Bronze Medal for 41st National Lifesaving Championship
Certificate of Distinction for The Singapore Life Saving Society

2022 - 2026: Nanyang Technological University

Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (CGPA: 4.67/5)

2017 - 2020: Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Diploma with Merit In Engineering Science (GPA: 3.99/4)
Diploma Plus in Advanced Engineering Mathematics

2013 - 2016: Kranji Secondary School

2007 - 2012: Concord Primary School